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Transition between Reflection Probes is not smooth in Standalone Builds



To reproduce:
# Create a new project using empty URP template;
# Import URP samples into the project ( Window > Package Manager > Universal RP > Samples > Import);
# Build and Run "Reflection Probes" scene.

Expected result: transition between reflection probes should happen smoothly, like in the Editor

Actual result: transition between reflection probes is not smooth. 


Tested and reproduced on: Mac Standalone and Windows Standalone builds

Reproduced in: 2022.2.17f1, 2022.2.18f1, 2023.1.0b15

  1. Resolution Note:

    Feature works fine as this issue was there due to build selecting wrong RP asset.
    there was a problem with RP asset setup which is being fixed and the issue will disappear after it lands as it will require to assign correct RP asset

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