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The My Assets tab is not interactable quickly when I have thousands of assets in the cache



h5. Description:
Currently, the my assets tab will analyse the downloaded assets on disk before displaying the list of assets. This can lead to delays before having the my assets tab interactable again when a lot of those assets are downloaded locally.

h5. Source:

h5. Success Criteria:
_My Assets_ tab is interactable quickly

h5. Design:
h5. Implementation:
h5. Validation Criteria:
* My assets tab is interactable quickly when
** There are lots of My assets available in the users' list
** There are lots of assets downloaded locally

  1. Resolution Note:

    I understand the importance of optimizing file read/write operations for performance. However, in the case of using a Network Attached Storage (NAS), the situation becomes a bit more complex.

    While it might seem intuitive that optimizing the code would improve performance, NAS systems operate differently compared to local storage solutions. Here are a few key points to consider:

    Network Latency: NAS involves reading and writing files over a network connection, which inherently introduces latency compared to accessing files locally. No matter how optimized the code is, we can't eliminate this latency entirely.

    Bandwidth Limitations: NAS systems often have bandwidth limitations, meaning there's a maximum amount of data that can be transferred over the network at any given time. Optimizing the code might even exacerbate this by increasing the frequency or volume of requests, leading to congestion and slower performance.

    Hardware Constraints: The performance of a NAS also depends on its hardware specifications and the network infrastructure it's connected to. Our code optimizations may not address these underlying constraints.

    Given these factors, the improvements might not be as significant as expected when working with NAS. In some cases, attempting to optimize too aggressively could even degrade performance further by increasing network traffic or placing undue strain on the NAS hardware.

    Instead, it might be worth exploring other strategies such as caching frequently accessed files locally or optimizing the network configuration to reduce latency and congestion. Additionally, ensuring that the NAS hardware is up to date and properly configured can also have a significant impact on performance.

    Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance between code efficiency and the limitations imposed by the NAS environment, prioritizing reliability and stability alongside performance gains.

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