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The GameObject is not lit by Directional Light which is directed to it when using Text Mesh component with custom shader

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project "case_1243806-TextMeshShaders"
2. Open the scene "SampleScene"
3. Enter the Play Mode
4. Observe the Game view

Expected results: the GameObject "TextMesh with Lit shader (1) (bug)" is lighted by the Directional light when it is directed to it
Actual results: the GameObject "TextMesh with Lit shader (1) (bug)" is not lighted by the Directional light even though it is directed to it

Reproducible with: 9.0.0-preview.14 (2019.3.16f1, 2019.4.2f1, 2020.1.0b15, 2020.2.0a16)

Could not test with: 2018.4.24f1 because Shader Graph package is not available

1. It is not reproducible with built-in shaders because they are unlit and two-sided
2. The workaround is to flip the normals of the custom shader (using Negate node in the Shader Graph)
3. It is only reproducible when using the Text Mesh component

  1. Resolution Note:

    Text Mesh is deprecated. SRP support for 3D Text will come with Text Mesh Pro.

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