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The Component editing mode is automatically exited when selecting the GameObject Transform Tool

Scene/Game View


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new Unity project
2. Create a Light Probe Group (GameObject->Light->Light Probe Group)
3. In the Hierarchy select the created Light Probe Group
4. In the Inspector enable the Edit Light Probes mode
5. Press "E"

Expected results: You stay in the Edit Light Probes mode
Actual results: You exit out of the Edit Light Probes mode

Reproducible with: 2018.4.27f1, 2019.4.10f1, 2020.1.5f1, 2020.2.0b2

- The same issue happens when selecting any of the Transform Tool
- The same issue happens with any Component editing if the Component has such functionality (for example editing the bounding volume of a Collider)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Component editing tools are distinct from the transform tools, and are currently working as intended.

    However there is work scheduled for 2021.1 to allow component tools to use built-in transform tools for manipulation, which will address this ticket. That is being tracked as a feature, so this case will be closed as By Design.

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