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[TextMeshPro] White artifacts appear behind Unicode symbols in Scene View when a font atlas is generated

Package: TextMeshPro


Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project with a TextMeshPro GameObject with the text "✓✗asdf"
2. Import the provided Windows font file "seguisym.ttf"
3. Create a Font Atlas with Font Asset Creator from the imported font file
4. Set the Character Set to "Unicode Range (Hex)" and Character Sequence (Hex) to "2713-2717" also Render Mode to "SDF8"
5. Generate the Atlas and set it on the GameObject's TextMeshPro Font Asset
6. Zoom in and out on in the Scene View

Expected results: white squares do not appear behind the Unicode symbols in Scene View
Actual results: white squares appear behind the Unicode symbols in Scene View

Reproduced on: TMP 1.4.0 (2018.4.17f1), TMP 2.1.0-preview.4 (2019.3.2f1),TMP 3.0.0-preview.4 (2020.1.0a24)
Could not test with TMP 1.3.0 and below due to getting an exception in the Console window

- Zooming in and out in the Scene View respectively affects the transparency of the artifacts

  1. Resolution Note:

    This behavior is due to the Sampling Point Size to Padding ratio being too small (2.1% in this case). A good ratio is usually about 10%.

    Please see the following post and link to FAQ for more information.

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