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Fixed in 1.4.4



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Issue ID




Test Runner freezes on "Generate Context" when running tests

Package: Test-Framework


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project
2. Click Window > General > Test Runner
3. Select PlayMode tests
4. Run any Test

Expected result: Test Runner runs the tests
Actual result: Test Runner freezes on “Generate Context” or “Legacy Play Mode Run”

Reproducible with: 1.1.33, 1.3.9 (2022.2.9f1, 2022.3.14f1), 1.3.9 (2023.2.0a16)
Not reproducible with: 1.1.33, 1.3.9 (2022.2.8f1)
Couldn’t test with: 2021.3.32f1 (Couldn’t downgrade the project due to scripts using newer package versions code)
Fixed in: 1.3.9 (2023.2.0a17)

Reproducible on: Ubuntu 23.10, Windows 10 Pro 21H2
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested on

Note: reimport the project on every Unity Editor version change

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.4.4):

    Recent refactorings in the Unity Test Framework have fixed this issue where certain errors in PlayModeTests can cause the runner to freeze up.

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