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Terrain turns pink when zooming out in the Scene/Game view
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new Universal Render Pipeline project
2. Create a new Scene and open it
3. Create a new Terrain in the Hierarchy window
4. Zoom out and observe the Scene view
Expected result: The Terrain stays the same color all the time
Actual result: The Terrain turns pink after zooming out far enough
Reproducible with (URP): 2021.2.0a5, 2021.2.0b5, 2022.1.0a3
Not reproducible with (URP): 2019.4.29f1, 2020.3.16f1, 2021.1.15f1, 2021.2.0a4
Could not test with (URP): 2022.1.0a4, 2022.1.0a5 (NotSupportedException: ForwardRendererData has been deprecated)
Reproducible with (HDRP): 2021.2.0a5, 2021.2.0a21
Not reproducible with (HDRP): 2019.4.29f1, 2020.3.16f1, 2021.1.15f1, 2021.2.0a4, 2021.2.0b1, 2021.2.0b5, 2022.1.0a5
-The issue is visible in the Game view as well
-Reproducible with URP and HDRP
-Not reproducible with Built-in Render Pipeline
-The issue is only reproducible on new projects
-After restarting the Editor the issue does not reproduce
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