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Terrain Demo Project annotations have UI issues



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open either the [HDRP Demo Scene|] or the [URP Demo Scene|] in Unity.
# Open TerrainDemoScene scene.
# Observe and cycle through the scene annotation under "Bookmarks" in the Inspector.

*Actual results:*
* On certain annotations, such as "Tiled maps for large worlds":
** The links and titles are hard to read in light mode.
** Paragraphs overlap if there isn't enough space for them.
* Note also the < and > icons are low res and pixelated.

*Expected results:* None of the above are true.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.21f1, 2022.3.47f1, 2021.3.44f1

*Tested on (OS):* MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1

* Did not regression test much as this is a minor cosmetic issue with what looks like a custom script. Please contact ticket reporter if regression tests will be useful.
* Seems to happen a little more easily in U6 than previous versions, it was just broken for me in U6 while I had to resize carefully to get it to repro in 2022 and 2021.

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