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Sprite with certain material is not visible in build when Sprite Mask has Custom Range property enabled



To reproduce:

1. Download and open attached "" project.
2. Open "test" scene.
3. Notice 2 sprites with Sprite Masks in the scene.
4. Build and run project on Standalone.
5. Notice that in Build one of the sprites is not visible.

Expected result: Both sprites are fully visible in the build.
Actual result: Sprite with Additive material (left) is invisible in the final build.

Reproduced with: 2017.2.0b1, 2017.1.0f2, 2017.1.0a6.

Notes: Reproduces also on Android. Did not test on earlier versions since Sprite Mask component was only introduced in 2017. Happens only when Sprite Mask has Custom Range property active. Also happens when Material is set to Mobile/Particles/Alpha Blended, Mobile/Particles/Multiply and Mobile/Particles/VertexLit Blended.

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