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Sprite Atlas Inspector preview disappears when entering Play mode unless SpriteAtlasMode is set to "Sprite Atlas V2 - Enabled"


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “IN-94119” project
2. Inside Project Settings > Editor, set Sprite Atlas Mode to anything other than “Sprite Atlas V2 - Enabled”
3. In the Project Window, select the “SpriteAtlases/a2-spriteatlasv2”
4. Enter Play mode
5. Exit Play mode
6. Observe the Inspector

Expected result: At the very bottom of the Inspector Window, the Sprite Atlas preview is visible
Actual result: The Sprite Atlas preview is missing from the Inspector Window

Reproducible with: 2022.3.57f1, 6000.0.37f1, 6000.1.0b5, 6000.2.0a2

Reproduced on: macOS (15.2)
Not reproduced on: No other environments tested

Note: With “Sprite Atlas V2 - Enabled for Builds” the preview disappears before entering Play mode

  1. Resolution Note:

    SpriteAtlas V2 has fundamentally different behavior for where the Atlas textures are stored. To ensure support for consistent builds and Accelerator, V2 stores the SpiteAtlas textures on AssetDatabase. (V1 used to store it in a custom AtlasCache folder)..
    Also in V2 PackerModes have been simplified to 2 options:
    Enabled -> SpriteAtlases are packed whenever there is a change automatically. (Hence latest preview is always available).
    Enabled for Builds. -> SpriteAtlases are only when packed during builds. This is to ensure that packing does not happen during Editor mode that sometimes may hinder edit mode operations as SpriteAtlases with a lot of Sprites may trigger an import and block user-flow.

    Hence please use Enabled if you would want preview to be always available.

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