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[Splines] Not all fields under Movement are displayed in the Spine Animate Component initially when adding it to a GameObject
How to reproduce:
1. Open a new Unity project with Splines Package installed
2. Create a new GameObject
3. Add the “Spline Animate” Component in the Inspector
4. Observe the Component’s “Movement” section
Expected result: All fields are displayed initially
Actual result: Only “Play On Awake” and “Start Offset” is displayed
Reproducible with: 2.1.0 (2021.3.21f1, 2022.2.11f1, 2023.1.0b8, 2022.2.0a6)
Not reproducible with: 2.0.0 (2021.3.21f1, 2022.2.11f1, 2023.1.0b8, 2022.2.0a6)
Couldn’t test with: 2020.3.46f1 (no support)
Reproduced on: macOS 13.0 (Intel)
Note: All fields get displayed after re-selecting the GameObject in the Hierarchy
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Resolution Note:
This bug is closed as a duplicate. This issue has already been fixed, please update the Spline package to 2.2.0 to get the fix.
Duplicate of another internal issue: SPLB-77: SplineAnimate throws NullRef exception when no container set