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Speedtree leaves are rendered in a wrong position when there are multiple trees

Speedtree Integration


Steps to reproduce:

1: open project
2: scene TreeTest
3: navigate scene view(especially using mouse right click to rotate)
4: notice how leaves get displaced

note: it doesn't occur when there is only one tree

Comments (2)

  1. KingsleyStephens

    May 31, 2016 00:38

    It appears to have something to do with the OffsetSpeedTreeVertex function in SpeedTreeVertex.cginc. Specifically to do with the UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV matrix as the tree leaves are being translated in response to a camera rotation. This bug is making the SpeedTree solution unusable for us.

  2. ill_tonkso

    Mar 07, 2016 11:26

    We're experiencing a similar issue, though it is fine with two trees. Many trees results in some unwanted offsetting of the leaves.

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