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Fixed in 7.1.4, 8.0.2, 9.0.0



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[Shadergraph] graph softlocks with lost data when HDRP specific master node is added to graph, when HDRP asset is not set

Package: Shader Graph


Does not reproduce in 7.1.1 release
Reproduces on SRP Master (commit 057264f4a9)
Reproduces on 7.1.7 release

Repro steps:
1. Use a project with shadergraph and HDRP
2. Set the current render pipeline to none
3. Create a PBR shadergraph
4. Open the PBR shadergraph
5. Right click, choose create node, and create an HDRP/Lit master node

Expected result: the master node is created with no bugs
Actual result: the master node is created, NullRefrenceExceptions are thrown, the graph enters a buggy softlock mode where it can not be saved and any changes since the last save are lost

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