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Fixed in 15e4d7c



Found in [Package]

Master (98f77b5705), 10.4.0 candidates

Issue ID




[Shadergraph] Deleting stack blocks of Universal RP targeted shadergraph causes the main preview to fail to compile

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduces in:
Master (98f77b5705)
10.4.0 candidates
Doesn't reproduce in 10.3.0 release
Repro steps:
1. Create a universal lit shader
2. Delete the stack block for Base Color, Metallic, Smoothness, anything besides Normal
Expected result: the main preview still works
Actual result: the main preview fails to compile

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 15e4d7c):

    Fixed as of version 2021.2.0a16.2217

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