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Fixed in 9.0.1



Found in [Package]

preview.14 - 9.0.0

Issue ID




[Shader Graph] Visual Effect Master Node options are not undoable

Package: Shader Graph


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new Project with a Universal Render Pipeline Template
2. Make a Shader Graph (Create > Shader > PBR Graph)
3. Create a Visual Effect Master Node in it (Create Node > Master > Visual Effect)
4. Change its Alpha Mask or Lit values and then use undo shortcut

Expected result: Option change gets reverted
Actual result: Option change does not get reverted

Reproduced in: 2019.3.10f1 (Version 7.3.1), 2020.1.0b3 (Version 8.0.1), 2020.2.0a7 (Version 7.1.7), 2020.2.0a7 (Version preview.14 - 9.0.0)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 9.0.1):

    Fixed in 9.0.1

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