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Fixed in SRP 10.1.0



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Issue ID




Shader error in 'Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/XR/XROcclusionMesh' on Android OpenGLES2

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


To reproduce:
1. Open URP Template;
2. Change platform to Android;
3. Add OpenGLES2 api and change Color Space to Gamma;
4. Press Build and run.

Expected result: no errors are thrown.
Actual result: Shader error in 'Hidden/Universal Render Pipeline/XR/XROcclusionMesh': Output signature parameter (1-based Entry 1) type must be a scalar uint. at line 26 (on gles) is thrown

Reproduced on 10.1.0-preview.27 (Master SRP branch)
Not reproduced on 10.0.0-preview.26 (Package manager)

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