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"SGICE002" error is thrown when building a project that includes a Script with a "RequireMatchingQueriesForUpdate" Annotation

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


How to reproduce:
1. Open the “EntitiesSamples“ project
2. Open the “AutoAuthoring” scene
3. Build the project (File > Build Settings > Build)
4. Observe the Console

Expected result: no “SGICE002” error is logged
Actual result: “SGICE002” error is logged

Reproduced with: 1.0.10, 1.0.11 (2022.3.4f1)
Could not test with: 1.0.8 (2022.3.4f1) (Could not resolve scripting errors)

Reproduced on: Windows 10 (by reporter), Windows 11

1. It seems that even in the actual result the build should fail as there are other errors that are not related to the “SGICE002” issue
2. Could not reproduce in a new project by adding the attached “AnnotationTest” Script

“SGICE002” error:

{noformat}Assets\Streaming\PrefabAndSceneReferences\LoadingSystem.cs(6,5): error SGICE002: This error indicates a bug in the DOTS source generators. We'd appreciate a bug report (Help -> Report a Bug...). Thanks! Error message: 'System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. |--| at Unity.Entities.SourceGen.Common.QueryVerification.VerifyQueryTypeCorrectness(SystemDescription systemDescription, Location location, IEnumerable`1 queries, String invokedMethodName) |--| at Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.SystemAPI.Query.IdiomaticCSharpForEachModule.RegisterChangesInSystem(SystemDescription systemDescription) |--| at Unity.Entities.SourceGen.SystemGenerator.SystemGenerator.Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)'{noformat}

  1. Resolution Note:

    There are no fixes planned for this Bug

Comments (1)

  1. Eric_Lee

    Dec 27, 2023 07:38

    I had same trouble on this error report. When I check my script, found keyword "goto" can not use in SystemBase Entities.foreach. Maybe can make some help.

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