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[ScriptedImporter] Imported Shaders do not show errors in the Object



Reproduction steps:

1. Open "" project
2. Select and Reimport "shaderToImport"
3. See "Scripted Shader Imported(Script)" -> "Errors" -> "Did not find shader kernel 'vert______error' to compile"
4. "Compile and show code"
5. The Error is now displayed on the Object

Expected Result: The error is displayed from the moment the Shader is imported
Actual Result: The error is displayed only when Compiled and Opened

Reproduced with: 2019.1.0a3, 2018.3.0b4, 2018.2.11f1, 2018.1.9f2, 2018.1.0b1
Did not reproduce on: 2018.1.0a7, 2017.4.12f1 (Seems like ScriptedImporter importing shaders only works from 2018.1.0b1)

  1. Resolution Note (2018.3.X):

    Using "ShaderUtil.CreateShaderAsset("");" during a scripted importer "OnImportAsset" will not create a GUID. Shader error messages are saved in the "ShaderCache.db" using the GUID as a key, that is not available in this context.

    The workaround of using an "AssetPostprocessor::OnPostprocessAllAssets" provides the functionality that is wanted, because during the "AssetPostprocessor::OnPostprocessAllAssets" the shader has been given a valid GUID and then the error will be correctly saved in the "ShaderCache.db" and displayed in the asset inspector as requested.

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