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Scriptable Objects do not get created when generating from Source Generators



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “Test Project” project
2. Create a new Asset by right-clicking in the Project window and selecting Create > Scriptable Values > ClassTest
3. Observe the newly created SO in the Inspector window

Expected result: The “Script” variable is set to an appropriate Script
Actual result: The “Script” variable is not set to anything

Reproducible with: 2022.3.3f1, 2023.1.1f1, 2023.2.0a20
Couldn’t test with: 2021.3.27f1 - No support for “GenerateScriptableValue”

Reproducible on: Windows 10

  1. Resolution Note:

    Today we only support this kind of behavior when the cs file are imported.
    The reason is that is how we deterministically track its ID, the ID are part of the *.cs.meta file.
    Hopefully we can solve this at a later time, but currently this is sadly not something we can handle.

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