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Fix In Review for 2022.3.25f1

Fixed in 2023.2.19f1, 6000.0.0b15



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Issue ID




Screen Space decals do not take light cookies into account when using forward



Screen space decals only sample shadow maps to determine attenuation. The light cookie atlas should also be sampled. 

Steps to repro:
# Open attached repro project.
# Enter play mode
# Observe the red paint decals

Expected: Decals only receive light in the same areas that the regular surfaces do

Actual: Decals seem way too bright since the cookies (which mask out a lot of light) are ignored

This goes for both additional lights and main light even though repro project only uses additional lights

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.0b15):

    Closing this ticket since the PR with a fix has already landed and released

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.2.19f1):

    Closing this issue since 2023.2 is an unsupported version, and a fix for this isse has already landed in 6000.0.b15

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