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[Android]Screen resolution values are swapped when an application is resumed



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project;
2. Build the scene "Main" on a device;
3. Minimize and maximize an app;
4. Observe the messages about the resolution in a logcat;

Actual result: It is written: "Screen Resolution. Width: 1440. Height: 2560" in a logcat, although the screen is set to landscape.
Expected result: the width and height of a screen should be swapped.

Note: the bug appears if an app is resumed when a screen is a landscape. If an app is resumed when a screen is a portrait, the bug does not appear (screens.png).

Reproduced with: 5.4.5p4, 5.5.0b1, 5.5.4p2, 5.6.2p3, 2017.1.0f3, 2017.2.0b3

Devices under test:
Reproducible with:
Google Pixel XL*, OS:O, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 530, Build:google/marlin/marlin:O/OPP2.170420.019/4021594:user/release-keys

Not reproducible with:
Google Pixel*, OS:7.1.2, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 530, Build:google/sailfish/sailfish:7.1.2/N2G47E/3766409:user/release-keys

Asus ASUS T00I (Zenfone 4)*, OS:4.4.2, CPU:x86, GPU:PowerVR SGX 544MP2, Build:asus/WW_ZenFone-Single/ASUS_T00I:4.4.2/KVT49L/WW_ZenFone-V6.6.3-20141229:user/release-keys

  1. Resolution Note:

    issue not reproducible

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