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Roslyn compiler VBCSCompiler.exe is not terminated when Unity is closed sometimes causes Editor freezes



How to reproduce:
1. Create new project
2. Create new script, open it, modify it and go back to Unity so the script is compiled
3. Open Task Manager
4. In Task manager either look for VBCSCompiler.exe process OR Unity Editor -> expand the process -> look for VBCSCompiler.exe process as a child (if there is no VBCSCompiler.exe process, you could try to compile more scripts, build standalone)
5. Close Unity and observe the process in Task Manager

Expected result: the "VBCSCompiler.exe" process is terminated
Actual result: the "VBCSCompiler.exe" process is not terminated immediately(only after some minutes) which could cause Editor freeze while scripts are being compiled

Reproducible with: 2018.3.0b1, 2019.2.7f2, 2019.3.0f4, 2020.1.0a6
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.32f1, 2018.2.21f1

  1. Resolution Note:

    We are using Rosyln right out of the box. from Microsoft

    "VBCSCompiler is designed to cache builds on both the command line build and in VS, so closing VS is not sufficient information to kill VBCSCompiler, since there may builds still being processed on the command line. Instead, VBCSCompiler waits for a timeout of 10 minutes with no connections before shutting down. However, you should see memory usage drop significantly after 30 seconds, when VBCSCompiler starts to free much of the memory it used for compilations."

    Windows will leave VBCSCompiler hanging around and Unity will reattach if its there when starting.

Comments (1)

  1. hsgaminators

    Jun 22, 2022 07:27

    This issue is freezing my 2019.4.30f1 on a really high end system. Editor freezes completely on startup and VBCSCompiler takes up-to 99% of CPU usage. Please share if there' a workaround.

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