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[Regression]: Reference links are broken for Importing settings of some objects

Editor - Other


Additional Reference button appeared in objects in 5.60b5 (see screenshot below).

For some it leads to nonexistant pages:
- Scripts (,
- Shaders (,
- Audio (,
- Scenes (,
- Terrain (,
- Fonts (,
- GIParameters (,
- GUISkin (,
- AnimatorOverrideController (
- Lightning Data (

Tested and works fine with:
- Materials,
- Flare,
- Physics Material,
- Reflection probes,
- Models,
- Avatar Mask,
- Text assets,
- Sprites.

To repro:
1. Open project attached in 5.6.0b5 or add any of listed objects to a new project.
2. Press first reference button.

Actual result: You're navigated to non-existant page in Docs.
Expected result: Expected page is opened.

Regression since 5.6.0b5 (bc8585c89061)
Thu, 19 Jan 2017 13:24:16 GMT
Branch: trunk.

No extra-reference button in 5.6.0b4 (f8c731df0021)
Wed, 11 Jan 2017 17:00:30 GMT
Branch: trunk

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