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Fixed in 5.4.0



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[ReflectionProbes] Changing resolution to an unsupported value causes OSX graphics system to crash

Global Illumination


To Reproduce:

1. Open scene test in the project attached to the post (662544_reflection_probe_res_runtime) & play.
2. Change the field near 'Reload Scene with res' to a very high value, like 16384:
On OSX: Unity crashes, and osx either throws an 'graphics has crashed error' or Quartz crashes entirely and you're thrown to the login screen.
On Win: Unity freezes and memory usage starts to grow exponentially.

Also if you set resolution to some other value (like 1,2,4,8..4096), it seems to work fine, but since these value are not in the resolutions enum, the enum field in the inspector is empty. Maybe resolution should be changed into an int field in the editor (if some other values are supported) and it should throw an error when it's set to value which is to high?

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