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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X, 6000.0.X, 6000.1.X, 6000.2.X



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Realtime Hard Shadows resolution of Spot Light and Point Light cannot be changed by script when using Universal Render Pipeline (URP)


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “IN-89545“ project
2. Open the “SampleScene”
3. In the Hierarchy tab, select the “Point Light” GameObject
4. In the Inspector, note the value of the "Light Shadow Resolution" field of the ShadowResolutionChanger script
5. Enter Play mode
6. Note the shadow's contour quality
7. Press the space bar several times
8. Observe the appearance of the shadow's contour and the value of the "Light Shadow Resolution" field in the ShadowResolutionChanger script

Expected result: The quality of the shadow changes as the value of the "Light Shadow Resolution" field updates
Actual result: The shadow quality remains unchanged, despite the value of the "Light Shadow Resolution" field being updated

Reproducible in: 2021.3.50f1, 2022.1.0a1, 2022.3.60f1, 6000.0.44f1, 6000.1.0b11, 6000.2.0a7

Reproducible on: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

- The script used to modify the shadow resolution does not directly change the Light > Shadows > Realtime Shadows > Resolution property, as this property is not exposed in the API of the Light class or any Light-related classes in URP. Instead, the script modifies the shadowResolution instance field of the Light, which, according to the development team, is updated by the URP Inspector when the Light > Shadows > Realtime Shadows > Resolution property is changed manually.
- Unlike HDAdditionalLightData in HDRP, URP’s UniversalAdditionalLightData does not provide any pipeline-specific methods for altering Hard Shadows quality programmatically.

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