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Quickly toggling Analytics Off and On breaks project link to the analytics dashboard

Package: Remote Config


Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Enable Analytics in Window->General->Services
3. Wait for a few seconds and make sure the Dashboard link in the Analytics Settings window works
4. Double-click on the Analytics on/off toggle to quickly disable and enable Analytics in editor
5. Wait for a few seconds and open the Dashboard link in the Analytics Settings window

Expected result: Analytics is successfully enabled in the editor and the dashboard
Actual result: Analytics appears to be enabled in the editor but the dashboard says "Go to the Editor to enable Unity Analytics for your project"

Reproduced on: 2020.1.13f1, 2020.2.0b12, 2021.1.0a5
Could not reproduce on 2019.4 and older branches, as the Services window was reworked in 2020.1

  1. Resolution Note:

    This should be corrected with the upcoming version of Remote Config 3.0.x currently it is being tested and verified prior to being included in 2022 and potentially backported to older versions of the editor as well. The services window has been fixed going forward from 2020, however those fixes will not be backported. There is a successful user flow, and the workaround for this is to manually change the CloudProject ID associated in the Project Metafiles.

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