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[Quest] Crash with Error "JNI GetStaticFieldID called with pending exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer" when launching Player with Meta Core SDK on Quest



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj"
2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene
3. Switch to Android Platform
4. Build and Run on a Quest device

Expected result: The Player does not crash and continues to run
Actual result: Player crashes at launch

Reproducible with: 6000.0.10f1
Could not test with: 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.36f1 (Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Failed to parse /data/app/vmdl1590677866.tmp/base.apk: AndroidManifest.xml])

Reproducible on:
VLNQA00379, Oculus (Quest 2), Android 10, CPU: Snapdragon XR2, GPU: Adreno (TM) 650
Quest 3 (user reported)

Not reproducible on:
Windows Standalone Player

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- When making the AsyncInitialize call, the catch block never executes and neither does the OnComplete callback

  1. Resolution Note:

    We attempted to reproduce this issue on Unity 6000.0.11f1 and the crash did not occur. Please update your project to this version and let us know if you still encounter issues.

Comments (1)

  1. Flamacore

    Aug 04, 2024 10:35

    Experienceing the exact same issue with Unity 6000.0.7f1 as well.

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