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Fixed in 1.8.2



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Issue ID




[Quest 2] OpenXR plugin OpenXRFeature OnAppSpaceChange not triggered

Package: OpenXR Plugin


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user's project ""
2. Make sure OpenXR is selected as the XR Plugin
3. Build to Quest 2
4. Once application loads, open the Oculus Menu and hold the home button on the controller
5. Observe how the Application view does not recenter, but the menu View does

Expected results: OpenXR plugin OpenXRFeature OnAppSpaceChange is triggered and Application View is recentered
Actual results: OpenXR plugin OpenXRFeature OnAppSpaceChange is not triggered and Application View is not recentered

Reproducible in: OpenXR 1.7.0 - 1.8.2 (2021.3.29f1, 2022.3.7f1, 2023.1.7f1, 2023.2.0b3)

Environment tested on: Windows 10

-Issue does not reproduce on OculusXR plugin
-If you integrate Oculus SDK asset, enable the user's RetetViewFeature (or the MetaXRFeature which is in the Oculus Integration package) and build with OpenXR, you should be able to see OVRPlugin logging something the followings each time you reset view (Android Logcat):
Debug | OVRPlugin | HandleOpenXREvents(): XrEventDataReferenceSpaceChangePending
Debug | OVRPlugin | HandleReferenceSpaceChangePendingEvent(): spaceType=2, changeTime=10694168319356, poseValid=true
Debug | OVRPlugin | HandleReferenceSpaceChangePendingEvent(): recenterCount=7
-If you look into MetaXR Feature's logs or the user's ResetViewFeature's logs, it does not pick up OnAppSpaceChange, only once, when the app starts. According to the documentation, it should be "Called when the reference XRSpace for the app changes."

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.8.2):

    Resolved in a feature that landed in OpenXR 1.9.

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