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Fixed in 2022.2.X

Fixed in 2021.2.X, 2022.1.X



Found in





Issue ID




List Elements in the PropertyField disappear when the window is displayed on the second screen



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "case_1371078" project on the second screen
2. Open the "Sample" Scene
3. Observe the "Repro" GameObject in the Inspector

Expected result: All the Elements of the Materials List in the "Serialize Test" Component are visible
Actual result: Some Elements of the Material List are not displayed. Elements disappear when scrolling the Inspector

Reproducible with: 2021.1.18f1, 2021.1.27f1, 2021.2.0b5, 2021.2.0f1, 2022.1.0a2, 2022.1.0a13
Not reproducible with: 2019.4.32f1, 2020.3.21f1, 2021.1.17f1, 2021.2.0a1, 2021.2.0b4, 2022.1.0a1

Reproducible, only if:
- the Unity Editor window is in full-screen mode (per the duplicate ticket case 1372631, can be reproduced on non full-screen as well)
- the second screen is slightly above/below the main screen
- the Component is the first after the Transform Component
- the List is the first field in the Component

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.2):

    Fixed in 2022.2.0a1

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.1):

    Fixed in 2022.1.0b4

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.2):

    Fixed in 2021.2.8f1

Comments (4)

  1. LaurentMontreuil

    Jun 05, 2024 21:38

    Using Unity 2022.3.22 and the issue is still present

  2. fokozuynen

    Dec 21, 2021 11:25

    Ok i found my fix ...on laptop i have another 2 external monitors connceted. Only on one of them was doing this since windows cant handle UI scalling of unity and i had to set that monitor as main monitor ...that fixed. Or just set back the UI scalling of unity ro 100%.

  3. Neklan

    Dec 15, 2021 15:47

    Same here. Also observed, sometimes, when I try to move the window on my MacBook main laptop monitor, unity crashes.

  4. cryogee

    Dec 13, 2021 17:18

    This is still not fixed in 2021.2.6f1 version When Unity window is in second monitor list disappears. When its in MacBooks main laptop monitor list is displayed

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