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Fixed in 2020.2.X
Fixed in 2018.4.X, 2019.4.X, 2020.1.X
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Issue ID
[Profiler] ProfilerFrameData.DeleteThreadData generates significant stalls when data from Deep Profiling the Editor gets cleared
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached user's project ""
2. Open the Profiler, make sure the record button is not selected and select Deep Profiler and Profile Editor
3. Press record and let the Profiler capture some data but don't let it fill the whole window
4. Press clear after captured data is halfway across the Profiler and stop the recording
5. Select the Hierarchy in the Profiler and search for ProfilerFrameData.DeleteThreadData in the Profiler search field
6. Select the ProfilerFrameData.DeleteThreadData in the Hierarchy and look for the peak near the start of the newly captured data
Expected result: ProfilerFrameData.DeleteThreadData does not generate significant stalls in 1 frame on the main thread when Deep Profiling
Actual result: ProfilerFrameData.DeleteThreadData generates significant stalls in 1 frame on the main thread when Deep Profiling (See attached ProfilerData.mp4)
Reproduces on: 2018.4.24f1, 2019.3.16f1, 2019.4.3f1, 2020.1.0b15, 2020.2.0a17
- This issue generates a considerable stall when hitting clear, even on an empty project without entering play mode.
- The main issue is that this will occur when "Clear On Play" is on when entering play mode.
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Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):
Fixed in 2020.1.8f1
Resolution Note (fix version 2019.4):
Fixed in 2019.4.11f1