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Fixed in 2020.1.X

Fixed in 2018.4.X, 2019.3.X



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Profiler data file doesn't load when the previously loaded profiler data is shown on Timeline



Couldn't load the captured Profiler data file consecutively without clearing the already loaded Profiler data. There are 2 Profiler data files attached as below to test this.
"" - Profiler data file has 3 spikes in CPU usage
"" - Profiler data file has 4 spikes in CPU usage

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new Project.
2. Windows > Analysis > Profiler.
3. In the Profiler window, load in "" (attached by the User), notice the 3 spikes in CPU Usage
4. Load "" on top, notice the 3 spikes still remains as it is.

Expected: Profiler data appears, with 4 spikes in CPU Usage
Actual: Profiler data shows 3 spikes in CPU usage.

Reproduced in: 2019.2.19f1, 2019.3.0f6 (27ab2135bccf), 2020.1.0a20.

Workaround: Clear the previously loaded profiler data and load the new file.

Could not Test in:
2018.4.16f1 (Editor immediately crashes upon loading the first data with the stack trace provided below),
2019.3.0f4 (Editor immediately crashes upon loading the first data with an empty stack trace)

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