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Fixed in 0.7.0-preview.4



Found in [Package]

preview.1 - 0.6.0

Issue ID




Profile Analyzer - Adding new columns can result in overlap with marker summary section

Package: Profile Analyzer


How to reproduce:
1. Download the user-attached profiling data(capture.pdata)
2. Create a new Unity project
3. Import the Profile Analyzer package and load the data
4. Set Marker Columns to 'Time and Count'
5. Right Click the Headers in the 'Marker Details for currently selected range'
6. Add 'Count Bar', 'Count Frame Bar' and 'Total Bar' in that order
7. See the Frame Summary section on the right

Expected result: Marker Details for currently selected range does not overlap with Frame Summary
Actual result: Marker Details for currently selected range overlaps with Frame Summary

Reproducible with: 2018.4.19f1, 2019.3.6f1, 2020.1.0b2, 2020.2.0a3
Could not test with: 2017.4.38f1(package unavailable)

Reproducible with package versions: preview.1 - 0.5.0, preview.1 - 0.6.0
Could not test with package version: preview.6 - 0.4.0(not enough columns to test overlapping)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.7.0-preview.4):

    New columns no longer overlap with marker summary section

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