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Fixed in 4.4.0-preview.2



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Probuilder objects receive distorted lighting in the Player when using Realtime GI

Package: Probuilder


How to reproduce:
1. Open user's attached "PB RTGL" project
2. Open "SampleScene" Scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Observe the Game view
5. Go to File -> Build And Run
6. Observe the application in the Player

Expected result: Objects are illuminated the same as in the Editor, the lighting on the objects is not distorted
Actual result: Objects are not illuminated the same as in the Editor, the lighting on the objects is distorted

Reproducible with: 4.3.0-preview.6 (2019.4.2f1), 4.3.1 (2020.1.0b14), 4.4.0-preview.1 (2020.2.0a16)
Not reproducible with: 4.2.3 (2018.4.24f1), 4.3.0-preview.4 (2019.4.2f1)

- The issue is not reproducible in the Unity Editor
- The issue is only reproducible on Probuilder objects
- It is reproducible on Windows, Mac build

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