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Fixed in 4.3.0-preview.2



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Issue ID




Prefab overrides are not applied to Probuilder created objects

Package: Probuilder


Prefab overrides are not being applied to nested prefabs created using Probuilder. I've tried unpacking completely then creating a new prefab, but the override references still remain. On macOS, the project will crash when the override dropdown is clicked (2019.3.0b10). Crash log attached below.

Steps to reproduce
- Open the attached project (2019.3)
- Open the MainMenu scene.
- Select the Stadium 2019.3 game object
- In the inspector select the override drop down and try to apply overrides.
Notice issue >> Overrides are not applied. macOS Crashes when overrides button is pressed.

Expected: Stadium prefab geometry should have stand objects added.

Tested broken:
Linux, macOS: 2019.3.0b11, 2019.3.0b10
Package: Probuilder 4.1.0 also tested without the package installed.

macOS: 2019.2.9f1 (no longer crashes but still unable to apply overrides)
Package: Probuilder 4.1.0, 4.0.0, 4.0.5 also tested without the package installed.

Could be a nested prefab issue. I reached out on the devs channel and got this response from Rune.

It should be marking the MeshFilter component as DontSave, which should make it not show up. I imagine it’s a similar deal.

License type: Pro

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