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Prefab loses script-created references when overwritten by the same script



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached “IN-82791“ project
2. Press “Tools” → “Create Mesh and Prefab” from the Menu Bar to run custom script
3. In the Project window go to “Assets“ → “GeneratedAssets“
4. Select the “PrefabParent“
5. Observe the Inspector window - the “Mesh1” is assigned to ''Mesh”
6. Press “Tools” → “Create Mesh and Prefab”
7. Deselect and select the “PrefabParent“ again
8. Observe the Inspector window

Expected result: the “Mesh1“ is assigned to “Mesh“
Actual result: Mesh is “Missing (mesh)“

Reproducible with: 2022.1.0a7, 2022.3.44f1, 6000.0.17f1
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.43f1, 2022.1.0a6

Reproduced on: Windows 11, macOS 12.6.5 (Intel) (user)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

Note: Changing the name of the prefab makes the references appear as expected

  1. Resolution Note:

    In this case the user overwrites an asset (Mesh) which gets reimported with a different InstanceID. At the same time the user overwrites a Prefab file with the exact same contents an because of an internal optimization it doesn't get reimported/reloaded. Forcing a reimport/reload when the contents doesn't change in the Prefab system would be a massive performance regression.

    The user can force a reimport/reload using our API:
    AssetDatabase.ImportAsset("Assets/PrefabParent.prefab", ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate | ImportAssetOptions.DontDownloadFromCacheServer);

    Please note that all references to the mesh will become invalid until next reload/reimport. For example clicking once on "Tools/Create Mesh and Prefab", assigning the resulting mesh to a scene object and clicking again will make the reference in the scene object become invalid until the scene is reloaded.

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