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Fixed in 0.4.3-exp.0



Found in [Package]



Issue ID




PolySpatial builds fail due to Xcode interfering with build postprocessors

Package: PolySpatial


Reproduction steps:

1. Create a new empty project in Unity 2022.3.5f1
2. Build the Unity project
3. Open the built Xcode project
4. Build the Unity project again (either replace or append)
5. Switch to the open Xcode project while the Unity build is in progress
6. Observe TARGET_OS_XR in the OTHER_CFLAGS build settings

Expected result: TARGET_OS_XR is missing
Actual result: The project is missing TARGET_OS_XR in the OTHER_CFLAGS build settings, causing the Xcode build to fail

Reproduced with: 0.2.2-exp.0 (2022.3.5f1)

Reproducible on: macOS M1 (User Reported)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Note: Not reproduced by CQA

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.4.3-exp.0):

    We are not able to reproduce the missing TARGET_OS_XR flag from OTHER_CFLAGS when testing using PolySpatial 0.4.2 package build, 2022.3.11f1 editor, and Xcode 15.1 beta. We are able build the Xcode project successfully.

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