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Physics.ComputePenetration behaves incorrectly when a Terrain has a non-zero rotation



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user-supplied project ("Compute")
2. Open Scene "main" and play it
3. Move the green Sphere down into the terrain. Observe the Console
4. Exit Play mode, rotate the terrain, enter Play mode again
5. Move the green Sphere down into the rotated terrain. Observe the Console

Expected: the console throws "Penetrating" message as in step 3
Actual: the console no longers throws "Penetrating" message.

Reproduced in: 2017.1.3p3, 2017.2.2p2, 2017.3.2f1, 2017.4.1f1, 2018.1.0b13, 2018.2.0a7

If the terrain is rotated only on Y-axis and only for <=54 degrees, the message still appears.
If the terrain is rotated only on X-axis and only for <=2 degrees, the message still appears.
If the terrain is rotated only on Z-axis the message appears higher up the more you rotate.
(this could mean an issue with the Terrain Collider, but it's hard to say since there's no way to see the Collider's gizmos)
If all axis are rotated on <= 11 degrees, the message still appears

  1. Resolution Note (2018.3.X):

    The current version of terrain does not support rotation; the fact that you can rotate it anyways is bad, and the mismatch with collision worse, but the bug is easy to work around. The best solution though is to make terrain support rotation, which is our plan for the new terrain system we are working on. So we are focusing our efforts on that, and closing this bug.

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