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[Performance] Adding an empty renderer feature causes URP to do an extra unnecessary blit.

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Universal


When adding any renderer feature to URP, it causes the pipeline to create an intermediate render texture to draw and resolve in a final blit, even in cases that this is not necessary.

Expected: Adding a render feature should not force the render pipeline to create an intermediate texture and do an extra blit to resolve rendering to camera target.
Actual: When adding any render pass or renderer feature, even an empty one that does nothing, it causes URP to create an intermediate render texture and do unnecessary blit.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Download the attached project and open `EmptyScene`.
2) When inspecting in FrameDebugger you can see the pipeline draws skybox to camera target texture.
3) Under settings folder, select the ForwardRenderer asset, click on `Add Renderer Feature` button and select `Custom Render Pass Feature`.
4) Now check FrameDebugger and see that the pipeline creates an intermediate texture and performance an additional final blit to camera target texture.

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