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Fixed in 6000.0.23f1, 7000.0.0a7



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Issue ID




Package Manager window remove/install button is not visible when the window has low width


h5. Description
In Package Manager window details pane, action buttons are located at the top-right of the window. This becomes problematic when the window is docked. Resizing horizontally the window does not do a good job at bringing action buttons closer and often, an horizontal scrollbar is created, which confuses users: vertical scroll vs horizontal scroll.

The UI of the details pane should be more responsive and adapt to different resizing.

h5. Sources
* [Forum|]
* Other bug reports

h5. Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project
2. Open the Package Manager window (Window > Package Manager)
3. Select any Package
4. Anchor the Package Manager window at the bottom right corner of the Editor
5. Observe the “Remove” button

h5. Expected result:
The button is visible

h5. Actual result:
The button is partly visible or not visible at all

h5. Reproducible with:
* 2021.3.39f1
* 2022.3.31f1
* 6000.0.4f1

h5. Reproducible on:
Windows 11

h5. Not reproducible on:
No other environment tested

h5. Note:
How much of the button is visible or if it's visible at all depends on the monitor size

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