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OnActiveBuildTargetChanged not called in batch mode



Reproduction steps:
1. Download the attached user's project ""
2. Run "{path to Unity} -batchmode -nographics -quit -buildTarget Android -projectPath {project path} -executeMethod SwitchPlatformTest.LogSomething" in the Windows Command Prompt
3. Inspect the Editor log

Expected result: when running Unity in batchmode with the -buildTarget argument, Editor Log "LogSomething" is being correctly logged, but not the one in OnActiveBuildTargetChanged
Actual result: when running Unity in batchmode with the -buildTarget argument, IActiveBuildTargetChanged.OnActiveBuildTargetChanged is not called.

Reproduces on: 2019.4.29f1, 2020.3.14f1, 2021.1.14f1, 2021.2.0b3, 2022.1.0a2

-Observe the message in the Editor Log "LogSomething" being correctly logged, but not the one in OnActiveBuildTargetChanged
-From the user's information, this is also reproducible on macOS
public static void LogSomething()
Debug.Log("###LOG: Here's something to log: *Something*");
public int callbackOrder => 0;
public void OnActiveBuildTargetChanged(BuildTarget previousTarget, BuildTarget newTarget)
Debug.Log($"###LOG: ActiveBuildTargetChanged called from {previousTarget} to {newTarget}");

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is actually by design, and not related to batchmode: running "{path to Unity} -buildTarget Android -projectPath {project path}" has the same behaviour.
    This event can only be raised when the build target is changed while the project is loaded. The command line argument sets the build target even before the project is loaded, so for the perspective of the user code there is no change: even before the project is loaded, it has been compiled for the specified build target.

    We opened a ticket to make the documentation about the event explicit about not covering -builtTarget argument.

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