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Under Consideration for 1.2.X



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Issue ID




Netcode for Entities displays incorrect error information when runInBackground is set to false

Package: Unity Netcode


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "ExtractionShooter" project
2. Enter the Play mode
3. Observe the errors in the Console logs

Expected Result: The path to enable runInBackground is shown as "Edit > Project Settings... > Player > Resolution and Presentation > Run in Background."
Actual Result: The path to enable runInBackground is shown as "Project Settings > Resolution & Presentation > Run in Background."

Reproducible with: 1.1.0-exp.1, 1.2.1 (2022.3.30f1, 6000.0.4f1)
Couldn’t test with: 0.51.1-preview.21 (2021.3.38f1), 1.0.17 (2022.3.30f1) (the errors are not thrown)

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

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