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Name set using Undo.SetCurrentGroupName is reset after undoing Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project ""
2. Open scene "repro"
3. In top menu, click "Test > Test Undo". This will call Undo.SetCurrentGroupName followed by Undo.DestrayObjectImmediate and will destroy Main Camera
4. In top menu, click "Edit" and notice "Undo Destroying (test)" option. Click it
5. Once again, click "Edit" and this time notice "Redo Destroy Object", click it
6. Click "Edit" again and notice "Undo Create Object", click it
7. Expand "Edit" again and this time "Redo Create Object" option is present

Reproduced with: 5.1.4f1, 5.2.4f1, 5.3.4p2, 5.4.0b14

  1. Resolution Note:

    This particular case has been investigated thoroughly and we have decided, in the interests of protecting the stability and features of Unity for users that rely upon the affected versions, to not address this fix for the time being. We understand that this will cause problems for some users, and so may address in a future version.

Comments (1)

  1. helgewl

    Oct 04, 2016 13:51

    I am also experiencing this in 5.4.0f3.
    The first undo renames the undo group to "Destroy Object", and the following redo renames it again to "Create Object".

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