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Fixed in 5.3.0
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Input field value changed broken behavior on mobile devices
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open and play the scene
3. Select the first input field
4. Enter some text
5. Notice the text of the second input field is changed to "hello" upon editing the first one
6. Build and run the project on Android or iOS device
7. Repeat steps 3-4
5. Notice the first input field text gets changed to "hello" together with the second input field, therefore making it impossible to edit the first input field
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Jul 31, 2015 17:34
I get something like this too .I created an input field from top bar and then duplicated it 3 times .
So I have 3 inputs field standard,single line and an email input field . I input random text on the 3 input fields and on email I input some text like and use the android back button to exit this one .After I press the back button all input fields are filed with "stuff@" text . I fixed this by deleting the email inputfield and creating a new one from the top bar (GameObject->UI->InputField) . This problem occured on android and ios too,in the editor everything was fine .
Jul 29, 2015 11:12
Yes, this seems to be an important issue that needs to be prioritised.
Jun 23, 2015 10:33
This is happening even with us. For us this is very important issue.