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Fixed in 2017.2.0f3



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Issue ID




Mesh is not rendered in target camera when using Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced with not null Camera argument

Graphics - General


To reproduce:
1. Open project
2. Open 'Test' scene, select game view
3. Select 'DrawMesh' GameObject
4. In Inspector enable/ disable 'Render With Camera'

Reproducible: 2017.1.0f1, 2017.2.0b1, 2017.2.0b2
Not reproducible: 5.5.4p1, 5.6.2p1, 2017.1.0b8, 2017.1.0f3, 2017.2.0a2

Comments (1)

  1. Dreadlifts

    Jul 30, 2022 19:11

    Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced (as well as DrawMesh and RenderMesh... but with less impact) with 'not null' camera frequently produced a large memory leak (6 to 30Gb in about 2 minutes) in playmode when focus not in Game window (eg. in Scene and Profiler windows), leading to rapid filling of memory that was not traceable with memory profiler. Fix was of course using null camera. Possibly due to commandbuffer being filled but not emptied in every frame not inside Game window?

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