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Material is rendered black when switching from Shader Graph to HDRP or URP Shader during runtime in the Build

Package: Shader Graph


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached "ShaderChangeBug" project
2. Open the Build Settings (File->Build Settings...)
3. Make sure that the "Scene" is in the Scenes In Build list
4. Build And Run
5. Press space twice

Expected results: The bushes are the same color they were before pressing space
Actual results: The bushes are solid black in color

Reproducible with: 10.0.0-preview.27 (2020.2.0b5), 10.2.2 (2020.2.2f1), 11.0.0 (2021.1.0b3, 2021.2.0a3)
Not reproducible with: 4.10.0-preview (2018.4.31f1), 7.5.2 (2019.4.19f1), 8.3.1 (2020.1.17f1), 9.0.0-preview.71 (2020.2.0b5)

- The issue has been tested and reproduced on Windows 10
- Reproducible with URP and HDRP, sometimes the material might turn pink instead of black

  1. Resolution Note:

    Think I figured out the issue.

    It's because you are using Shader.Find(...) to find the shader, which isn't guaranteed to work in a player. I think in practice it only works if the Shader happends to be loaded.

    I think what is happening is as soon as you replace all of the HDRP/lit shaders in the scene with ShaderGraph shaders, then the HDRP/lit shader is not referenced by anything and is free to be unloaded, or at least unload some important bits of the shader.

    If you simply keep around a reference to HDRP/lit in one of your scripts, it will keep it from being unloaded. And probably better to skip using Shader.Find outside of editor scripts. For this use case you could have each script store off the original shader and restore it, which keeps the reference alive.

    Let us know if this doesn't work for you.

Comments (4)

  1. mkrmediauk

    Jan 21, 2021 13:24

    please fix this, it is so annoying!

  2. IrishJohnGaming

    Jan 21, 2021 13:21

    Yes Please!

  3. aylinibryamov1

    Jan 21, 2021 11:51

    Can you please fix this bug asap thanks :)

  4. ianch8w

    Jan 21, 2021 11:48

    Please fix this issue asap. thx

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