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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X, 6000.0.X



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[MacOS] Trying to pick a Colour from full-screen window breaks Color Picker Tool functionality



_Requires two or more monitor set-up to reproduce_

*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open a Unity project
# Add a new GameObject to the scene (GameObject > Create Empty)
# Add a script to this GameObject (in Inspector, Add Component > New Script > Create and Add)
# Open the script and add the line of code 'Public Color _colour;'
# Return to Unity
# Ensure that on your second monitor (monitor that Unity is not on) that you open any application and set it to full-screen (e.g. Safari)
# In Unity, select the GameObject and open the colour picker tool by clicking next to the colour in the Inspector
# Moving your mouse around the screen should show the colour in the variable change
# Move your cursor onto the full-screen application on the other monitor
# Click anywhere on full-screen application to select a colour

*Actual results:* The colour is not picked and the colour picker tool remains open. The colour picker tool becomes broken and it is no longer possible to pick a colour, even on the main Unity window. Exiting the Colour Picker Tool by normal means (e.g. clicking on the colour picker tool button again) does not work and the colour picker tool remains open but unable to select colours.

Clicking elsewhere on the Unity window (e.g. Scene view) will stop displaying the GameObject in the Inspector. This will close the colour picker tool, however, if you click on the GameObject, it will no longer be possible to open the colour picker tool via clicking the button. The only way to reset the Colour Picker Tool and get it to open again is to click on the colour so it opens the Colour Window, and then open that windows own Colour Picker Tool.

*Expected results:* The colour is picked and the colour picker tool is closed

*Reproducible with versions:* 
* 6000.0.19f1
* 2022.3.46f1
* 2021.3.43f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* - 

*Can’t test with versions:* - 

*Tested on (OS):* MacOS Silicon

* Does not occur on Windows.

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