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[Mac] [Shader Graph] Different colour pickers open up for HDRP shader Graphs when mac's colour picker is selected by default

Package: Shader Graph


Steps To Reproduce:

1. Unity > Preferences > General > Check "macOS Color Picker"
2. Create a new project with HDRP template
3. Project window > Create > Shader> HDRP > Unlit
4. Double click on the shader to open it in Shader Graph Editor
5. Click on the colour slots of 'Base Colour' and 'Emission' properties

Expected Result: Mac's colour picker opens up

Observed Result: Unity's colour picker opens up for Emission while Mac's colour picker opens up for Base colour property

Reproducible On: 2020.2.0a3, 2020.1.0b2, 2018.3.014f1

Reproducible with Package Version: 8.0.1, 7.1.8, 4.10.0

*Not a Regression


  1. Resolution Note:

    Emission is HDR by default and the color picker on Mac does not support HDR so we must open Unity's color picker in this case. For standard colors, we use the OS Color Picker.

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