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Fixed in 2021.3.28f1
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[M1] Editor/Player freezes when calling GetNativeTexturePtr
Reproduction steps:
1. Open users attached project
2. Open Assets/Test scene
3. Enter the Play Mode
Expected result: Play Mode is running
Actual result: Editor freezes after around 5-10 seconds
Reproducible with: 2021.2.19f1, 2022.1.0b15, 2022.2.0a9
Not reproducible with: 2019.4.37f1, 2020.3.32f1
-also reproducible in Player
-sometimes it takes around a minute for Editor to freeze
-not reproducible with Rosseta
-only reproducible with M1
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May 11, 2023 07:31
I somewhat worked around the issue by caching the IntPtr returned from Texture2d.GetNativeTexturePtr().
Texture2D.LoadImage/LoadRawTextureData() modify the underlying native texture pointer, so I had to create a temporary texture first, then copy it to my desired texture with Graphics.CopyTexture(). Graphics.CopyTexture() preserves the original texture pointer, so it can be cached and reused.
Of course, this workaround has terrible performance, but in my case, it wasn't critical.
Feb 23, 2023 09:41
Disscussing that issue in that post.
Reproduce it inside Unity's Native Rendering sample.
Feb 22, 2023 12:22
I'm seeing the same on 2021.3.19f1 (on an M2) using a 3rd party utility called "Resource checker". It used to work fine on my Intel MacBook, but I just upgraded to the M2, and now it seems to freeze instantly every time I try to use it. Breaking in a debugger shows it is stuck in this method somehow.