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[SpeedTree][LOD] Billboard LOD level is renamed after adding .spm prefab to the Hierarchy panel

Speedtree Integration


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Unity;
2. Open attached project and 'test.unity' scene;
3. Go to Assets -> FreeSpeedTrees in the Project tab;
4. Select any .spm tree asset (for example, 'Conifer_Desktop.spm');

5. Notice that in the Inspector's LOD scale for .spm model Billboard is named correctly as 'Billboard' (see attached 'billboard_spm_import' screenshot);
6. Drag this .spm model to the Hierarchy panel;
7. Observe the Inspector's LOD scale.

Actual result:
Billboard LOD level is renamed to 'LOD3' (see attached 'billboard_hierarchy' screenshot).This creates naming inconsistency.
Also see attached gif video.

Expected result:
Billboard LOD level should be named consistently in Project folder and in Hierarchy panel.

- Reproduces in 5.3.0a6 and 5.3.1p1;
- Reproduces on both OSX 10.11.1 and Windows 10.

  1. Resolution Note (2017.2.0f3):

    Billboard LOD level is not renamed. The created GameObject only displays the LODGroup inspector, which matches the LODGroup inspector for the original asset.
    It makes sense for there to be a mismatch between the LODGroup inspector naming (which is generic) and the SpeedTree model inspector.

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